Buy fake a Ngee Ann Polytechnic transcript. buy Ngee Ann Polytechnic transcript. Ngee Ann Polytechnic is an institution of higher learning in Singapore with more than 14,800 full-time and 3,000 part-time students, more than 1,800 staff, and 148,000 alumni. As an industry-oriented alternative to a broader based junior college education, polytechnic graduates in Singapore are sought after for work or many continue to complete university degrees.
The polytechnic was one of the first institutions of higher learning to articulate a broad-based and multidisciplinary approach to learning. The Ngee Ann Learning Model was developed with the understanding that Singapore’s knowledge-based economy requires well-rounded, employable individuals with both hard and soft skills.
buy fake transcript. Under the NLM, students can choose from some 70 elective modules in areas such as business communication, innovation and enterprise, culture and communication, personal mastery and development, arts and humanities, design, and science and technology. These modules make up 15 percent of the curriculum and are offered by the School of Interdisciplinary Studies.