Buy MQA certificate. fake MQA diploma. buy Malaysian Qualifications Agency diploma. The Malaysian Qualifications Agency or the MQA is a statutory body in Malaysia set up under the Malaysian Qualifications Act 2007 to accredit academic programs provided by educational institutions providing post secondary or higher education and facilitate the accreditation and articulation of qualifications. buy fake certificate.
Buy fake diploma. fake degree certificate. The Education Act 1996 specifically excludes from its definition of educational institutions, schools or any other institutions where the teaching is confined exclusively to the teaching of any religion or any place declared by the Minister by notification in the Gazette not to be an educational institution. Under Malaysian law, all institutions of higher education established by the federal government are deemed to be self-accrediting whereas no formal accreditation system for courses of study provided by privately owned existed until the passing of the series of education-related legislation in 1996.